80 Enticer issues


New member
Jan 12, 2015
Hi all, I purchased an old enticer for my kids so they could learn the basics of two stroke combustion engines and have some fun while trying to fix them when the break. Well, it broke.

Came back from an hour long ride in the field, and the machine was running great. Pulled into the driveway and it just seized while idling and died. Now I can't pull the cord or anything. I thought the Pistons seized so I popped the heads off and they don't look blown. I can't really turn the primary forward, only backwards for a couple revs.

I'm not much of a mechanic but plan on tackling whatever I can on this machine with the kids, I'd just like to know where I should be looking next. Is it a clutch problem or crank problem and how do I norrow it down if that's where I should be looking.

Thanks for any input.
If the motor won't turn over it's not a clutch problem. Take the belt off if you haven't already. So you can spin the primary backwards and the pistons move in the bores a couple full revolutions, is that what you're saying? I'd pull the pipe and y-pipe and take a look into the exhaust ports at the pistons. If they and the rings look good I suspect you will be splitting the cases and checking the crank.
If the motor won't turn over it's not a clutch problem. Take the belt off if you haven't already. So you can spin the primary backwards and the pistons move in the bores a couple full revolutions, is that what you're saying? I'd pull the pipe and y-pipe and take a look into the exhaust ports at the pistons. If they and the rings look good I suspect you will be splitting the cases and checking the crank.

Yeah, that's what I figured. Can't turn the primary forward at all, only back about half a turn. Pull start won't budge. Heating up the garage to start the tear down process. Thanks for the info.

umm look at the back of the primary. i had one come apart on an 79 et250 where the fixed sheive came off and rubbed on the motor base plate untill it killed the motor. once clutch was off it turned over fine.
should see if it leaned out from oil pump on the pistons.

the clutch is an oddball one that happened to me and it did act like described witch is why I mentioned it.
