Took her out again today

bADa$$ SRX

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Stevens Point, WI
Took her for another run today. Conditions were a little better. THIS THING RIPS. '99 SRX 600 running the 89a-10s with 4.5 grams in the first hole, BWB primary spring, 51/43 Hauck helix with green at 60. Engages at 4100ish and is snappy on the bottom end. On a a WOT launch it will climb right to 8200 and then keep climbing to 8350-8400, was still climbing but only had room to get up to around 75 mph. Hopefully will climb up to 8500 on a longer pull. Backshift isn't quite as good as the 8df-00s but the mid and top end pull is phenominal. Launches out of the hole a little harder as well. The 8df-00s would rev a little more and would be smoother, with the 89a's you just hook and go. My only complaint is it loads a little to much on a 20ish mph holeshot, anything above 25 mph is fine and it revs a lot faster and your gone. Thinking just a hair too much weight in the middle or the start angle on my helix is a hair steep. Big improvement over the 8dfs on the 40+ rolls though, before it would rev to 8400 and then start to take off, now the second you tap the throttle it climbs to 8200 and starts pulling like a freight train. Going to take it out this weekend on the river and do some longer pulls to see if it'll pull some more r's on the top end. Very impressed with this set up but am kind of confused how i went up about 6 grams and added 1 shim and only lost 200 rpms on launch and 100 rpms of top. :jack::jack:
put in a white/white/white primary spring with no shims, that will help it backshift slightly better for your 20mph hits and it will not cost a $100 helix. 89a10's dont backshift very well due to the weight placement on the arm, but yes, they do run good on the lake. I have used them alot they work well.
The reason you were able to add weight and be close is 2 things,
1.) your adding shims so your making the primary spring slightly stronger not only on engagement but also shift tension, it adds to both.
2.) the profile of the weights are way differnt where the weight is placed on the rollers.
Turk, Had this setup in a 98/99 srx 700. with 48/42 helix, 4.5 first hole .8 tip. 2-3 shims bwb spring. stock sec. which is red@60. For lake/trail setup.
Thanks guys, I'll order a www spring. The www has the same preload and is a little stiffer overall? So that should help my back shift and get my Rpms up just a little on top right? Also have what I believe is a straight 47 helix, maybe I will toss that in and see what happens just for shots and giggles

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the spring way cheaper than a helix especially if don,t have any extra, but the helix is what ya need right in that 49-43, 48-42 area. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Still waiting on the spring but took her out on the river today. On a wot pull it goes to 8100 and then slowly climbs to 8300. Pulls very hard. Hit 114 on gps, speedo was reading 120+. Hopefully the white spring will improve back shift a little and get my Rpms up just a little on top, thanks for the input everyone.

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Holy crap, very impressive. Congrats on your set up. Sounds like it's almost perfect.

If I was closer, I'd love to run'em. All my racing buds have gotten out of the sport.

Are you sure you've got the right stickers on that hood lol.
That is crazy fast. I'd just get the www spring for better lower speed performance. Leave that top end alone. Interesting reading about different setups and the results. Still trying to grasp the complete clutching concept. Starting to understand yamis but seems each brand is way different. You should see my AC setup. Sounds so weird but should make use of lower end torque. (60/48 helix)62 gram weights.
Conditions were ideal haha the river had a trail that was smooth and hard. I am also only 160 lbs. 114 was the best run, a couple other runs were around 110 on gps. I am very impressed with these weights and this sled though, night and day difference from the 8dfs on the upshift. And yes it is a 600 lol just redid the top end this summer as preventative maintenance. My buddy was out there with me on his Rev 600 HO, not even close, We did all kinds of pulls and I just left him in the dust. he said he's bringing his skidoo 1200 mod next time lol thanks again everyone.

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He has one of those 1200 4 strokes, supposedly has clutching, header and a tune. I don't plan on beating him but if it takes a sled ten years newer with double the cc to pull a couple lengths on me that's a win in my book lol

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Still waiting on the spring, hopefully will be in tomorrow so I can toss her in for the radar runs Saturday. Can't wait to see how she does.

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Spring came in today. Put it in and went to try it out. A lot snappier throughout midrange and still pulls great on the top. Rpms were around 8200 when you hammer on it and then slowly climb. Didn't have much room again to get over 80 mph or so but the rpms seem to be were they should. WWW spring really helped with the backshift though. Thanks everyone for your input. I'm heading out to the radar runs and to run the river tomorrow so we'll see how it does. For future reference, this is my complete set up. 1999 SRX 600, stock jetting, stock needle position, fuel screws 1.75 turns out, 192 studs, stock track, 89a-10 primary weights w/ 4.5 in the first hole, WWW spring w/ 2 shims, 15.6 mm rollers, Hauck 51/43 helix with green @70, stock gearing and a 170 lb rider.
Well, didn't place in the radar runs couldn't hook up on the track. Ended up running the low 80s in 660'. But my buddy brought his 1200 Skidoo out. It is a 136" 1.25 with 144 studs, 1200cc 4 stroke with header, clutching and a tune on a switch. Without his tune on from a dead stop he would pull 2 lengths on me out of the hole and i would walk past him at about 50 mph and pull five or so lengths on him. Midrange pulls he would get a half length jump and then i would pull on him again. 70 mph pulls I would walk away. With his tune on, he would get 6 lengths out of the hole and i had a hard time catching him. Midrange he could pull four lengths on me right away and then i slowly started reeling him. 70 MPH pulls were dead even. We would go back and fourth, sometimes i would get him by a a length or two sometimes he would pull a length. Top ends were very close when he had his tune on. Was pretty jacked that I could pull on him with his tune off!! Also it was 35 degrees out and the clutch set up seemed to be better when it was colder out but it still got the job done.;)!
