easier way to put suspension back in


Active member
Nov 7, 2004
mid mich.
I have found thru trial and,....well... trial...That it is a whole lot easier to put the rear suspension back in, if you take the w arm off.( or at least unbolt the top of front shock )Its just two bolts on the rails and one on shock, and two on limiters.Very easy to slide in then and rebolt! also make sure you bolt up the rear before the front. , put a floor jack under, and jack up the front into place! viola! works like a charm! Its very hard to put sus. in by yourself doin it the way they say in tech pages... completely assembeled

I have not read the tech page for installing the rear skid. I tighten (shorten) up the limiter straps, and remove one bolt from each bar that runs along the rear shock. Lift the back of the sled 36" from the floor to the bumper, put the skid in the track, release the straps till the holes line up, might have to lower the rear of the sled some, put the two front bolts in loose. Lower the rear of the sled, lift up on the upper rear wheels till the holes line up and put the bolts in loose. Mount the small top wheels, tighten up al six bolts, and then re-mount the bars that run along the shocks. About 20 minutes total.
easier to loosen transfer rods bottom bolts, install front arm bolts first, then rears, then the center basicly lines itself up. lots easier then unbolting and rebolting unneccesary stuff. but to each his own. if it works for you, thats great. more than one way to skin a cat. ski
while your on the subject

while your on the subject of rear suspension , should the gas valve on the rear shock be pointed up toward the track or pointed down towards the cross bar(upper big wheel axle)???
I have replaced the Pro-Action skids very easily numerous times by myself using the method that Ski mentioned above. The key is to let the weight of the sled work for you, not against you.

Note: Make sure the Center shaft is flipped up before sliding it under the sled. Just last week I missed this important detail, and the skid got to come back out in order to flip the shaft over. duh . . . :o|
I am always dreaming up new ways to screw things up . . .
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Gas Valves should be pointed down on rear shock, and forward on center shock . . .
skidooboy, You live in laingsburg?.....You are practicly my neighbor, I live in owosso. Used to live on Baldwin rd just down from Hibbard Rd, What a small world!
whats your method for the rx1 skid a little diff than the srx i had a heck of a time putting it back in i need some pointers
What year of RX? If its not the Mono you can use the same method as the SRX..with the Mono..you're on your own lol..haven't seen one yet.
its an 03 i had it out beginning of the year to check it out and all the paint came off the welds is that normal? i keep it in the garage all the time and keep it clean :o|
i have always left the susp. like it is and put the sled on its side. first put the front in and bolt them in. second do the front shaft on the rear shock.finally put in the rearshaft. it always helps to have a friend help since sometimes it needs to be "pursued" into position. only thing i ever did was loosen the track tension bolts. just be careful you dont loose any bushings off the suspension.
First I loosen the limiter stap adjusting bolt nuts to the max. You may want to measure the threads in order to readjust latter. Then remove the bolts from the lower end of the rear transfer rods. I have found this to work extremely well. The suspension skid will line up without any prying. I usually install the front suspension bolts first, then work my way back. Use blue loctite on all bolts.
it is just like ski said to do.another hint it is easier to lower the sled down over the suspension than to raise it up into the sled. i built a hoist just to do it takes all the hard work out of it
kixx007 said:
I use skis method. ButI find it easier to call grapeape and have him come do it.
What is grapeape's phone number ?
monkey man said:
it is just like ski said to do.another hint it is easier to lower the sled down over the suspension than to raise it up into the sled. i built a hoist just to do it takes all the hard work out of it

Same idea just cheaper. Go into your attic and run a two by four across several roof trusses to distribute the weight. Attach a steel hook to this 2x4 and hang a come-along from the hook. Take a tie-down strap and go around the rear bumper and attach the hooks to the hook on the come-along. This lets you raise and lower the rear of the sled in small increments which makes it possible to install a skid by yourself.
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redsnake3 said:
i have always left the susp. like it is and put the sled on its side. first put the front in and bolt them in. second do the front shaft on the rear shock.finally put in the rearshaft. it always helps to have a friend help since sometimes it needs to be "pursued" into position. only thing i ever did was loosen the track tension bolts. just be careful you dont loose any bushings off the suspension.

I found that by tipping the sled on it's side, I can install it by myself. The other method always seemed to require two people to get the skid inside the track.

The trick seems to be that when the sled is on it's side and after the front bolts are started you can swing the skid down until it is perpendicular to the tunnel. At this point there is plenty of slack in the track so you can get that into place. Then when you swing the skid back into the tunnel the track tightens up some. I then turn the sled upright and install the middle and then the rear bolts.
