trying to get the clutch off a 72 yam 433, it has a special nut on the pto end that holds the fixed sheave on the splined crank, anyone know how to get it off? or have a special tool?
My fluid drives are a solid pulley and a normal nut ,, If the notches are exposed you can use a hemmer and punch ?? make an impression with plaster of the notches
and drill matching holes into a hob and insert pins into them . ?? if exposed , also a prewinding tool for bike suspensions .. not sure how to describe it..
Hope someone else adds to post... seem to use that nut in 72 and 73.. models.
and drill matching holes into a hob and insert pins into them . ?? if exposed , also a prewinding tool for bike suspensions .. not sure how to describe it..
Hope someone else adds to post... seem to use that nut in 72 and 73.. models.