Need help with hauk pipe install on 2003 viper


New member
Nov 26, 2014
So I started reading the instructions and they are very very vague. I'm having problems trying to understand what they mean by moving the motor to stock srx specs. I have electric start and rev. So I must move the motor to fit the pipes correctly. I'm also stumped on where this bracket goes on the pto side. If anyone has some experience installing hauk pipes on a viper any help would be greatly appreciated. :o|
Did the pipes come with the Srx motor mont that goes behind the primary? I believe they mean ctc and offset of the clutches as with new motor mount the motor will not flex this the specs for adjustment are 15mm offset as oppesed to 14mm. Double check and verify them numbers.
Ok starting to make sense a little more. I replaced the original mount with what they call "torque arm adjuster" it is adjustable so I'm thinking this is how I can get the right center to center I need. Quote me if I'm wrong center of primary to center of secondary??? I'm told to set it to 20mm since I have electric start and reverse.
