New member
Why are my power calves so nasty I mean they seem like they are worse every year I was running amsoil but I'm switching back to yamalube am I doing something wrong here?
New member
I wouldn't run amsoil in my weed whacker.
I have always used yamalube, clean with a rag and some carb cleaner every season. Never gummed up.
I have always used yamalube, clean with a rag and some carb cleaner every season. Never gummed up.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
May have something to do with the coating. Raw aluminum (patches when coating is gone) will act like a magnet to crap going out the exhaust.
New member
I'm deff switching back to yamaha lube and as far as coating I mean there is some spots that I scraped off but very small spots but it's the whole valve exhaust flanges were coated with carbon about a inch into the flange too you guys think it's from the amsoil? I checked my oil cable its at 22.xx which is at max spec for being lean
Active member
I've never used amsoil but I've had really good luck with the yamlube.
New member
Which amsoil product was it? I was using dominator last year and I had to practically rip my valves out. Probably didn't help they were upside down but I don't know. I was going to try interceptor this year but I think I will try yamalube instead after reading this.
Active member
Sounds like alot of guys like the interceptor, I plan on sticking with Yamalube, I've had good luck with it and it's cheaper than the amsoil.

yep my valves were damn near clean after last season also using yamalube,didn't put a tremendous amount of miles on but cleaner then when I used Amsoil.Here it is WAY to expensive anyways,Yamalube is a ton cheaper.
New member
I ran intercepter don't wast your money 1 was stuck and the other 2 came out fine but all three were just caked with oil and carbon excessivly dirty I thought
I ran amsoil for 1-1/2 years and had a valve sticking on me. Sold all my amsoil and went back to yamalube. Never had an issue since. I know this might turn into another "oil thread" but I just wanted to reply to your first question. No, I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Clean your valves, run your oil real low in the jug to empty it out and switch it over. My $.02
New member
Yeah that's what I'm going to do I just wanted to see if anybody else was having this problem