I just recently put a 136 inch and a quarter ripsaw on , I used to have a 121 1 inch lug with 244 studs , is my gearing different with the long track my gearing is 22 40 with 9 tooth cogs
Going to depend on how you you use the sled but that puts you at 1.81 ratio which should be a pretty good number for trails and lakes with the occasional off trail excursion.
But does changing from 121 to 136 change my ratio a lot ? Like what would I gear for 660 feet I used to run 21 40 with my studded 121 for 660ft
The track technically changes nothing as far as the actual gearing goes but may require more or less gear to give similar results to what you were running before. You were running 1.90 ratio so you went higher than what you were before. Should be easier on the launch and faster on top but I don't know how that will play out in 660 racing. I'm not a drag racer so I'm not going to be much help figuring out what you want for 660'. Sorry.