2 up seat srx


New member
Jan 18, 2015
Will a 2up seat with backrest from 2000 vmax fit my 1999 srx700. Wondering as will be taking my kids on a few rides.
yes with no problems, just need to drill a few holes, 4 on each side for the arm rests, remove the side reflectors and that was it. did this for years with my 98 SRX. I just removed it when i went on trips with the guys
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I use to get double takes when I would pass guys on a lake with my kid on the back. When I added the seat for 2 riding I would move the centre shock to the top position for the extra weight. Mine even had hand Warmers but I never hooked them up, I just bought the gantlets that yamaha use to sell for those plus I threw in some heat pads in there mitts. They never got cold. I also added the rear passenger foot rests on the running boards that the ventures had.
