I have purchased a 02 viper and I was told that the oil injector was probably working but just to be safe the previous owner premixed. It has been rebuilt once to the tune of $1700 (have receipts) and now that I've put 400-500 miles on it I can definitely say that its not injecting any oil, filled oil tank and no change in level. From what I've read here, if the injector fails it dumps excessive oil into the mix? Why would it not use any or was that info referring to another sled? Just curious on where to start to solve this problem, any info would be awesome. The sled has ran awesome all the while I've had it and I'd like to keep it that way. Thanks!

If the previous owner was pre-mixing is the cable still hooked up? If so is it properly adjusted? You don't want to run the sled with no oil going through the injection system as it also feeds the crank bearings and impeller gear through the bottom of the case
Hard to say how much the previous owner knew...it's possible he ran it out of oil and then didn't realize it would have to be primed to work again, so he thought it had failed after simply adding more oil and finding out it wasn't injecting.
I like the previous owner's description that "it was probably working". He wouldn't say that or bother premixing if he didn't know it wasn't working, lol.
I like the previous owner's description that "it was probably working". He wouldn't say that or bother premixing if he didn't know it wasn't working, lol.
Cable is hooked up, how would I bleed it? (If there is a simple answer to that). Dude said he premixed to be safe so....who knows. Hell it was only a grand and it fired right up so I figured it would be good even if I had to replace a couple things..thanks for the replies!
there should be a phillip's head screw hooked (facing up) to an oil line attached between the carbs. just open it and and the air will escape letting out injection oil, once you're satisfied that the air bubbles are out just refasten it and you should be good to go. then you should adjust your oil cable between 19 to 22mm. just do a search for this procedure, plenty of info on this and very easy to do
Thanks, is bleeding that something I need to do while its running? Or is just pulling the cord a few times enough.
Doesn't need to be running or turning the motor over. Just make sure you have oil in the oil tank, gravity will take care of the rest
Awesome. Hope that fixes it. U guys are great! I'll get to it tonight.
To be safe I would still run some premix after you have the air out until you know the oil is going into the motor. It might run rich and foul a set of plugs but at least your motor will be fine
Well its been a bit since I started this thread, but after bleeding the lines (oil did come out) and setting the cable gap to 19mm I am still not using any oil from my tank. Anybody got any other ideas? Or is this pump just shot?
might be the pump but that sounds weird as they fail in the too much oil position normally. more likely is the drive for the pump is stripped or slipping.
It's either that or he didn't put it back on correctly, he might not have lined up the slot on
the pump with the shaft on the motor, not sure if that is even possible because I don't think you can bolt it back in otherwise but u never know. Are you sure the cable is hooked to the pump and the throttle at the other end? Like mentioned the pump always goes to rich when it fails if it's hooked up.
the pump with the shaft on the motor, not sure if that is even possible because I don't think you can bolt it back in otherwise but u never know. Are you sure the cable is hooked to the pump and the throttle at the other end? Like mentioned the pump always goes to rich when it fails if it's hooked up.

I've never had it happen but it seems like I remember some people having problems with the gear slipping on the crank.
I've never had it happen but it seems like I remember some people having problems with the gear slipping on the crank.
your right but then it would be overheating as its the same shaft as the waterpump impeller.
to original poster: start up the sled and warm it up then grab your oilpump cable by the airbox where the adjuster is, pull the cable apart and stretch it all the way open and hold it there.... does the sled start to smoke alot after about 30 seconds of running?
Also make sure the check valve is installed the correct way.
Good suggestions^^^^ there, try the flooding it like mrviper mentioned. Easy to do and you will find out real quick if it's working or not. Fyi there are 2 check valves if you do check those. Good luck
Thanks for the input. I'll try flooding it. No overheat problems so far so hopefully gear isn't stripped. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to check all the lines too, original owner said some were replaced after rebuild at a reputable shop so I figured they were done right but u never know. Someday I'd like to use up the $40 of Lucas oil in that tank lol.
Tried flooding it with oil. Didn't really see a change in smoke or anything else after holding cable full open on idle at operating temp. Its already got mix in the tank so kinda smokey to begin with but I'm sure if I doubled oil ratio with pump working I'd see a change. I cracked the bleeder with it at idle and held oil cable open and it didn't seem to flow out any faster than it did when it wasn't running. If there were a clog in one of the lines would oil still reach the bleed screw? Looking like its time to stop being lazy about it and take it apart?

I think edunn69 could be on to something. Especially since you say the lines were changed. I'd look at the check valves next.
remove the airbox and look at the line going to the fuel pump, it has a small silver fitting in it, its a 1 way check valve that the guys here are referring to, there will be a arrow stamped on it, it should be facing the direction going to the fuel pump, thats where the oil is mixed with the gas before being pumped to the carbs. Very possible someone put it on backwards, if not on backwards....then you need to change out the pump, nothing else left.