1977 SRX water pump belt/tach


New member
Jan 25, 2015
China Lake, Maine
Took my 77 SRX out a few weeks ago and after a few runs noticed the tach had stopped working. Could this be a result of a broken water pump belt. Any of you ever change one??
Thanks for any info!!!

Yes, the water pump belt breaking will stop the tach from working. I found that one out the hard way one time when I was young, dumb, and did not know any better in the 80s and I had a "77". I just went hmm, the tach stopped working, I guess I will check it when I get back, and kept riding. I did not get too far before it seized. It was not a bad siezure thankfully but I learn that that tach was the warning. I don't remember anything about how much work it was to change the belt but I am thinking it was not too bad.
You need to rebuild the water pump.( The belt broke ) bearing may be going bad . If a inter seal is leaking coolant gets in the bearing. You may have a bearing going bad.
the tach drive is off the water pump. if belt breaks, no tach like posted above. this could incate begining of issue in your pump also posted. they usually do give ya warning like leaking. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Yes like tony said no tach belt is broke I sell complete rebuild kits with new belts. Not NOS old belts that will break again
