03 Viper Electric start in 02 Viper non ES.


May 2, 2003
Augusta Maine
Lost a motor so I am parting out my wifes 03 viper and was thinking of installing the es on the 02 for her.

Noticed quite a few diffs in the harness between the 2.

Do I have to strip the harness out of the 02 and install the 03 harness?

Noticed there is not a a spot to plug the charging circuit on the 02, it was on the top of battery box on the 03, plugged in the middle of the fuses.

The 03 has the extra fuse block that mounts on the right inside hood side of the footwell so it seems like I would have to make some external wiring changes to the harness.

Also noticed that the 02 has 2 (smoothing condensers ?) mounted to the right side footwell near the rectifier !

Anyone done this without changing entire harnesses ?​
You do not have to change anything out. Just a little hard wiring is in order. Or just order new patch cord that goes to the relay on battery top. Under your 02 viper or right side cowling by pull cord is the e start plug in. All vipers are pretty wired for this. You can either order a patch cord that goes between this plug and your battery or simply cut the plug off and hard wire that to the one from the es viper ( will have to cut from harness.). Leave the smoothing condensors as they don't matter, actually better to have if battery goes dead. And the same with the fuse box, cut out and wire in. Not necessarily needed either. I wired 2 of them in my vipers and one without. Here is a link to the e start install http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/73120-viper-electric-start-pics-please
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Thanks for the info super1c. I shall look for the hidden plug for simple plug and play, and as for the cool fuse box once I find the wires you spoke about on your thread, i can splice the plug from my 03 onto those and make that plug and play! Nice post and link..
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