Viper 136 m10 feels tippy


New member
Oct 21, 2013
sled feels tippy in the corners...have adjusted to specs via fast for my weight...I have front shock springs very are others front springs set
my understanding is that the m10 is a bit of a tippy skid. meant more for comfort than handling. I know there are some smart m10 guys here though, someone will chime in!
The m-10 and front shocks crank is making the sled higher than usual So in that aspect it will be a little more tippy.
Make sure you have 4-5" of sag when you hop on the sled for starters. If you have the limiter strap all the way out this makes it tippier as well. I prefer a 4/3 split on the limiter strap for a good compromise between ride and cornering. Also your front m10 shock should only have about a 1/4" of threads showing below the adjustment collar. Try this stuff and see if your happy with the cornering. You may want to soften up the front some later if your still not happy as lowering the front always helps. I have Simmons skis on my sled and they made a huge difference in stability with the my 136" m-10
