87 phazer spark plug reading


New member
Feb 17, 2006
Geneva, Illinois
Hi there

I am seeking some help/opinions on spark plug reading. I'm mainly concerned with the mag side plug which is the one that the base of the plug is only colored 3/4 around. Compared to the pto side it's darker indicating some possible incomplete combustion problems. Both cylinders have 120 psi. This has a psi pipe with 100 pilots turned out 1.5 turns and 147.5 mains. The pics on the bottom are with 110 pilots and 150 mains. Sled runs great except kinda chasing a top end problem. Cleaned clutches and tried a stiffer primary spring and I can get about 70 mph and 7k rpm in 300 yards. Sled idles smoothly, I'm planning on spraying the mag side crank seal with starting fluid tomorrow and rigging up some tooling to pressurize the case. Can anyone shed some light on why the mag side plug base isn't fully coloring???

thank you for your help

this is maybe 5 miles of a mix of idle/full throttle monkeying around

147 5 main 2.jpg147 5 main.jpg
also misc 5 miles in a field
150 main 2.jpg150 main.jpg

do you have the air box on it?.if not go a little richer.on the right side
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Just an update on this. I blocked off the exhaust and removed the carburetors. Then installed 1 1/4 pipe with caps to the carb boots. Installed and air fitting on it. Put regulated 10 psi of air pressure to it and then sprayed the engine with gas detection soap. The mag side crank seal was leaking and a few other small leaks at the reed cages.Repaired the leaks and ran the engine today and im now reaching 7200 rpm and the base ring on the plug is fully colored.
