I really need some quick advise here. Bought a skid which i believe is a Summit SC3 136" Unfortunatelly i didnt get the mounting meassures to it
Searched the internet and found one that says 79,5 cm cc from front mount to the rear. When i meassure it as it sits on the pic i just get 76? is there any way to adjust this or is there members here who has the same skid on their yamaha? The thought is to put this skid on my exciter 570 project sled and i´m ready to put it in but don´t dare before i get some clarity in this.

Backwoods M Max
New member
How the skid sits on the floor with all the linkage topped out against the springs may not be how it goes in the sled. If you can confirm the measurement you got for the tunnel somewhere else, it's probably correct.
they are confirmed by atleast two posts, do i need to compress it before i install it, until i get the meassure thats recommended?
Backwoods M Max
New member
Your going to be pushing the rear scissor forward to install it. There is no way you can compress anything to get the right measurement with it sitting on the floor. You need to confirm what the designed measurement is.
Active member
Yes you do.Use a load ratchet strap on the rear arm. For the mounting holes put both skids side buy side with the rear axle adjusments backed right off wheels on both lined up and measure the difference in the REAR mounts.
Backwoods M Max
New member
To really install it correctly you need the following measurements from the donor sled: front axle setback and drop from front of tunnel, front mount set back from axle and drop from tunnel. Rear mount set back and drop from tunnel. To line up axles and try to take measurements your asking for trouble. The biggest problem you run into is something is wrong then it binds.
Thanx man i really appreciate your help! I did get a confirm from a member in the exciter fb group who has a 121 skid. The cc he gave me was a match to the info i found on the net about 121. I think i can assume that the 136 meassurements from the same side is right. I try it tomorrow, 79,5 cm if someone Else is putting on an scIII in here
u got a real nice sled Btw!

Thanx to you aswell bluewho
the problem is that im not quite sure which model this skid came from....the seller Said renegade but it sure seems like a summit skid to me. Atleast if i judge after the pics ive seen on ebay. I need to take a little chance on this and do the other meassures by trial and error. I reccon the cc between front and rear is the most important, the other can be adjusted. Was planning to set the approach angle between 17-19 degrees

Active member
I have done my 3 sleds and a few others as well yes you need proper axle centre from the doner because the doo skid needs to be pulled down for install and proper removal..so the meashurment will differ from it sitting on the floor.Then if you work with the rear axle collapsed you wont have a problem with the track adjustment.The rest you will have too work with your placement.It looks different than a 121 skid in the way the shocks mount together.
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Backwoods M Max
New member
I believe what you have there is an SC10 skid. An SC3 skid is a coupled skid with a block on the rear scissor and notches on the rail that limit its fwd and aft movement for up and down coupling. You adjust coupling by rotating the block and changing the space. I would confirm what skid you have, and the measurements for it.
It says scIII on the rail, thats Why im so puzzled....thats Also Why i suspekt summit. Renegade would be coupled right?
Backwoods M Max
New member
I don't believe a summit was ever a 136. I'm pretty sure the first summit was a 144 and were only longer from there.
Active member
The ones I have done were all 121 skid that had a link hooked from front shock to the bottom of the rear that would move when compressed.I don't see that on that skid so you are on your own.lol it looks like the rear holes will line up there now.
New member
Yes that is correct, looks like an early Summit skid, they did come in 136". It's for sure not a Renegade as they were coupled. Most summit skids were 32" ctc on mounting points and 9 5/16 from center of driveshaft to center of front mount. You might be able to find some info on Dootalk, I'm sure this skid has been transplanted plenty.
Liftning this thread ones again though i still have'nt found the correct ctc for it. Got some help from the guys at dootalk and tried some different meassures. I think Its quite clear now that this is a summit 136 skid from 2002, atleast according to the spareparts sheets. Tried to mount it at 30,5" but then it feels kind of saggy, Also tried 31,2" and Its better but still not good. How is it suppose to react? Mine feels kind of stiff, hard to compress. Tried compressing an mxz and that was easy and smooth. Somehow i would like it to compress a bit when i get up on the sled right? And still be able to extend all the way up when i get off? Anyway have'nt tried 32 " meassure yet but thats my next move.
One Guy at dootalk Said that the correct measure was found if i took the meassure with the skid on the floor and subtract 3/4 of an inch from that. If i would do that i would end up with 29,5"...as u can see there are some different meassures to play around with here and my tunnel starting to look like that famous European cheese you know. Please help me out if u got some ideas, thanx /d
One Guy at dootalk Said that the correct measure was found if i took the meassure with the skid on the floor and subtract 3/4 of an inch from that. If i would do that i would end up with 29,5"...as u can see there are some different meassures to play around with here and my tunnel starting to look like that famous European cheese you know. Please help me out if u got some ideas, thanx /d
If you are 100 % sure were the FRONT mounting point of the Summit skid should beIt is clear now that this is a Ski-Doo SC-10 Summit 136" skid from 2002, atleast according to the spareparts sheets.
But I still have not found the correct C-C for it.
Got some help from the guys at DooTalk and tried some different measures.
Tried to mount it at 30,5" but then it feels kind of saggy, Also tried 31,2" and Its better but still not good.
How is it suppose to react ?
Mine feels kind of stiff, hard to compress.
Tried compressing an mxz and that was easy and smooth.
Somehow I would like it to compress a bit when i get up on the sled right ?
And still be able to extend all the way up when i get off ?
Anyway have not tried 32" meassure yet but thats my next move.
One guy at DooTalk Said that the correct measure was found if i took the meassure with the skid on the floor and subtract 3/4 of an inch from that.
If I would do that I would end up with 29,5"
...as u can see there are some different meassures to play around with here
and my tunnel starting to look like that famous European cheese you know.
Please help me out if u got some ideas.
I suggest you make drop brackets with different holes in it so you could use and change the rear mounting point of the skid without the need of drilling in your tunnel.
This will give you much more alternatives, both in riding height and with different angels that will affect the feeling of the suspension.
The SC-10 Ski-Doo Summit skid is considered a "falling rate" suspension and will get softer during its travel.
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