Stud size

I would call Rich from Rich Motorsports. He could help. To me studs can get pretty confusing. I just went through that with my wifes sled. I found what I wanted and ordered them from Rich. The parts I ordered would not work with each other so he called me and helped me get it right.
1.060-1.075" if you really want that track to work well, remove it and and flip it around backwards then stud it. run the 1.060 for general trail, run the longer ones if you do alot of racing but the track must be kept on the tight side with longer studs!
Ok I think I'll stick with the 1.060s I run my track a little loose to save my slides they wear kinda fast compared to my vmax I had lol
You could add the polaris idler wheels to help with the slide ware issue. Also the slide saver kit for the front. I believe the polaris wheels are just a hair taller then yamaha. But they would help. Looking to do that next year for mine.
Just don't make the mistake I made .875 effective length on a 3/4" paddle. What mrviper said effective length would be as long as I would go. I got 96 of those(or as close to as woodys makes)in wildcat with 3/4" paddle and they work nice. Not for Ice drags though, good trail/lake performance. How old is track? when you say stock, you mean Yamaha replacement right? 13 y/o tracks dont like studs.
I wouldn't worry about it being the original track, I'm running 192 studs in my original track from '99 with 6000 miles on it and haven't had a single pull out.

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