wood decking?


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Have a 03 sled bed 3 place trailer. The wood is starting to splinter pretty bad. The deck still seems solid. Was wondering if there was anything I could put on it. Roll on bed liner? Cover it with 1/8 inch thick piece of aluminum? Open to ideas. Also thought about just replacing the wood. What would you use? Treated plywood and aluminum don't like each other. Marine grade plywood availability is limited in my area. Local lumber yard recommended MDO plywood.
A buddy of mine used an actual deck product, seems like its called Restore? May be made by Rustoleum. Rolled it on and but down old conveyor belt a few days later. Have only had the sleds in and out a few times but seems to be holding up pretty good. Its available in different colors as well.
Thanks for some ideas. Not sure what I am going to do yet. I did find some marine plywood 45 miles from me. 5/8 is $60 a sheet 3/4 $70 a sheet.

What your guys opinion on track mats and ski guides?? Will they cause a moisture issue?? My sleds do not have studs but a buddy of mine does. His sled is on my trailer now and then. Or an old track on the trailer to use as a track mat??
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For ski guides, find an old plastic corrugated truck bed liner. Cut two strips @ 1' wide(or however wide you want)and the entire length of the liner. One strip per ski. I used my electric jig saw to cut it down. A Skill saw would be fine too. And old tracks for track mats.
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Been looking for bed liner but the places I have found want 50 bucks for there junk ones. I am still looking. Figure I need 3. 14 ft. trailer plus a 2 ft v. So I need enough strips to equal 16ft x 4. I thought if I could find some cheap or free I would do 8" strips. Found some old track for 30 bucks. Funny I don't know how many old track I have given people to do the same thing. Now when I am looking for some every one wants something for them.
The scrap yards is where I got the 50 bucks from. Called like 5 of them in my area. So I put an ad on Craigslist guess I will see what happens.
Ok so I started messing with this today. I decided to sand it down with a belt sander and 40 grit paper. That went pretty well. Then I filled in any deep gouges or splitter spots with chalk. Thinking I would put ski guides and a track mat down. I don't see chalk holding up at all. Just thought it would be a good filler underneath. Then a good oil based paint. So far so good.

I did get some old tracks to use as a track mat. That is where the problem is. Since this is a 3 place trailer 14' plus 2' v nose. 2 sled up front side by side. Then the 3rd sled fits in the middle facing forward. So the 3rd sled skies would be running on the track mat (old track). Would that be a problem?? I can not find any old bed liners. So I was going to order some ski guides. Then I realized The 3rd sled's track would sit on the guides. Would That be a problem as well??
