comet 108 issues


New member
Nov 20, 2014
upstate ny, greenfield center
sorry for double posting!!!!:o| might sound like a stupid question but my 108 was really noisy so i replaced the worn weights. that took care most of the noise but now im thinking im missing some bumpers in behind the movable sheave just behind where the weights are. i can move my weights back and fourth and there is no way in my mind that's right there is no tension on them. heres a few pics where you can see nubs for some sort of bumper but i have not located any of the such in any diagrams. i'd be interested to here what everyone thinks. im also looking for info as to which p85 would work with this 87 exciter as i know there suppose to be a better unit.comet 001.jpgcomet 002.jpgcomet 003.jpgcomet 004.jpgcomet 005.jpg
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no. movement in and out towards the sheaves. i can probably move them a good 1/4 inch. makes for rattling at idle. thats why i figured there is some sort of bumper inside missing if you look at the pic. seem logical as there are nubs for something there.
