Before and after


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I was just looking at some of my pics and found some of my sled when I got it. I think i'm headed in the right direction. That windshield was just horrible. It funneled all air right up your helmet. Whats up with the white trailing arms? That was some very durable paint, sandblasting was struggling. The bellypan is a mixture of satin midnight blue and gloss navy blue. I think it turned out good. I wish I could have come up with a way to remove those scrapes behind reflector in last pic yet keep the texture. Cant really see them on pic(on the lump).


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Looks sharp, a lot better than before, although I'm not too sure about the cardboard seating surface mod :lol:. I might also be inclined to paint the radius rods the same blue as the trailing arms, but I can't really tell for sure from the pic.
Those were supposed to match the skis. Gunmetal. My seat mod is the cardboard that the new decals were in. Someone tipped it scraping up the left side of hood so I had to repaint that side. Aluminum is polished now. Not sure if I like the handguards now
Lookin good, is that the same John Deere in your Sig that's in the background of your avatar ? Now that's devotion.
Yes, same JD, same registration decals too. No numbers on sig pic because thats a few days or so after my Dad bought it(new). When I got it, it was in really bad shape but I couldn't believe it was the same one that my Dad bought. Look in the vintage section for a video of a speed run on that. I challenged some guy to race and he turned me down. He didn't know what it was. Wish Dad was here to see it. These are from superbowl sunday.
In sig pic, thats how we would ride.


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I agree, he did ride the JD once last year and almost rolled it(going straight). Now hes afraid. I want him to get into sleds but he doesn't seem to be interested. Even though it has only 45HP, its the hardest one of the three to drive.
Tippy and tricky. My kids are into it, 6 and 2. Now if I could keep a sled running I would be golden!
She - was eight when this pic was taken. Whats funny is that she loves riding and her brother couldnt care less. She would run until the sled was out of gas. She loved to ride my 780 too. My son would make three laps around the yard and say "that was fun" and go in the house.

The sled is a Sno Sport 125 and ran strong.
I just saw that when I clicked on pic. Nice!
On youtube, theres a video of a 6yo riding around on a srx, pretty well I might add, untill he sinks it is a pond!
Viktory2k1, Do you have any clearance issues between your handguards and windshield? I'm putting a Rox 2" riser on my SXR and am thinking about adding some handguards as well but I'm not sure if I'll be hitting the windshield with them when I crank the bars. I have a medium height Cobra shield that looks to be close in size to what you have.

Also are you running any kind of riser, and which model guards are those? Look like Powermadd star's but just guessing.
No issues with windshield but no riser, it is a med height (16.5" I think), and those are powermadd stars. I was considering taking them off but after stronger winds, they do help. Just can be a little awkward to get brake lever quickly if needed when tilted too far either way.
My bars could use a tilting forward though. I have long legs and just clear my knees(6'2"). Even then, I don't think they'll hit.
