H/C clearance


VIP Member
Jan 18, 2007
Traverse city, MI
I installed heel clickers on my viper last night and what I have is the roller is tight on the arm. The roller nests right in the radius of the arm with just a bit
of pressure on the roller. My son was also installing h/c's on his srx and it seems to be the same way so I think it must be the way it is but not sure.

I checked all other clearances and all is good, went for a spin and seems to be good a little high on engagement 4700, pin it and hits 8500 instantly
back shift is good, temps good, Ill add some weight to the heel to get engagement down. fyi-below are my settings:

Viper w/srx pipes
Red H/C primary spring
5g in heal 6g in tip middle empty
15.6 rollers
51/39 Dalton helix
green spring at 70°

Any input on the arm/roller clearance would be great.
