Speedo Key and Driveshaft Bearing (98 srx700)


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Manitoba, Canada
Thanks to this forum I succesfully removed my chaincase, jackshaft, track, rear suspension, and driveshaft. My speedo stopped working last year and it looks like the key that goes into the driveshaft broke. The jackshaft bearings feel good, but the driveshaft bearings not so much. They are still intact but when spinning them by hand you can feel some rough spots. I have a few questions I need help with:

1) How do you get the broken speedo key out of the driveshaft, can you purchase just a new key or do you need to purchase that whole speedo takeoff assembly below the secondary? Do I need to purchase a new driveshaft to have a working speedo?

2) The two allen screws on the driveshaft bearing (clutch side) where missing and loose (one was missing, one was loose). This made for an easy driveshaft removal as the driveshaft was not stuck to that bearing collar. I am wondering what the point of these set screws are? Are they necessary and if so do you put everthing back together and tighten them last.

3) The brake rotor on the jackshaft has a little play in it. The play is between the jackshaft and the rotor hub. It is not a lot but it is definitly looser then I expected. Since the sled is a 98 I understand that the newer srx's have lighter aluminum brake rotors, should I be looking for a newer one that is lighter? Does anyone bother with this upgrade for a trail sled? Anybody have one for sale?

Thanks for the help.
Usually a small pick will get a hold of enough of the speedo key to remove it.I also have used a small spring to twist in there to hook the key and pull it out.You can just buy a new key,cheap fix.The key failing is a sure sign the bearing is bad.
The two set screws on the bearing are to keep it from spinning on the shaft and keep it located, and are nessesary. Use loctite on them when you reinstall bearing.
The brake rotor is typically a bit sloppy not sure how much you have but if the key or the keyslot in the rotor is not beat up your probably ok.I wouldn't spend your money on a different one,you'll never know the difference.
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