i here it is common that the srx does this but will running say 2 litres of race fuel mixed in with my supreme solve this issue ?
I can't image that ping/detonation could be heard on a sled as it should only happen at WOT, and sleds aren't the quietest vehicle for listening for it. If your concerned, verify jetting, piston wash, and ohm out the caps.
Could you be hearing something else?
Could you be hearing something else?
its happening at idle when I'm on the gas it doesn't do that
New member
Spark knock normally happens under load not at idle. Are you sure it's from the engine, maybe something in the primary is rattling.
Active member
Clamps on the pipes come loose for the covers or a spring but you would be able to spot it.
I agree, it's not detonation if it only does it at idle. The motor is at minimum timing advance down that low in rpm. It's got to be something else rattling around somewhere. Good luck in the search
Maybe you have a broken motor mount.

Super Moderator
Its most likely a little rattle from the clutch weights. My wifes viper does it at low idle as well as mine.