Almost had it with this viper (rant)

  • Thread starter Thread starter jaydougempire
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Bought this sled last season. Thought it was clean. First step was to clean check and adjust Powervalves. Found pull throughs...never seen this happen in a sled...first repair...
Got about 100 miles and blew a drive shaft bearing chaincase side. Not a small job...stranded...ended up doing the jackshaft and driveshaft bearings...
got another 100 miles and my jackshaft broke causing my secondary to smash into the primary leaving me stranded about 1 1/2 hrs ride away from anything and ending the best season we've had in years early for me. Not fun.
After buying clutches and jackshaft along with another new bearing for safety I put it all back together again. Went to fire up my sled for the first time this year and guess what...fuel pump is toast.
I have NEVER killed a fuel pump on a sled EVER. I was 8 months old when I first rode on a sled. It's in my blood. Where I grew up we used sleds to get around.
Got a fuel the sled going...been on two rides this year, burned about 2 1/2 Tanks of fuel.
End of the day Sunday my speedo quits along with my heated visor plug AND my grip warmers. Searched around and found wire rub throughs. Also my speedo sensor is ****ed. Along with all of this, for some reason the track rubs on the front shock eye so bad that it has nearly destroyed my shock. It also rubs on the rear shock threaded adjuster...ready to burn it. WHATS NEXT??
i doubt the fuel pump is actually toast. I bet it is just frozen, since your so mad lol literally go pee on the fuel pump and pull it over. Probably will fire right up haha ask me how i know. you probably need to shim the pump off the chassis so the moisture does not get trapped in the bottom side of the pump allowing the bellow not to work in it. The rest of your problems, well thats all part of snowmobiling and olding old yamahas. You kind of learn to work on them and enjoy it. I say just relax man and get it fixed up, member when your riding with your buddies on their new light weight 2 stroke sleds, they only have 2 chances to get home. You at least have three. Triples rock!!!;)!
i doubt the fuel pump is actually toast. I bet it is just frozen, since your so mad lol literally go pee on the fuel pump and pull it over. Probably will fire right up haha ask me how i know. you probably need to shim the pump off the chassis so the moisture does not get trapped in the bottom side of the pump allowing the bellow not to work in it. The rest of your problems, well thats all part of snowmobiling and olding old yamahas. You kind of learn to work on them and enjoy it. I say just relax man and get it fixed up, member when your riding with your buddies on their new light weight 2 stroke sleds, they only have 2 chances to get home. You at least have three. Triples rock!!!;)!

On a lighter note...I did make viper food out of an etec 800 doo and an edge 700 on Sunday. Doo had me out of the hole but after 80mph I Walked right past them both...twice...guess it didn't help their sleds were both missing a cylinder! This viper with the slp pipes, 136 track installed and CA skis is a bad *** trail ripper. And it will still do 100 mph in a foot of powder haha. Hope after this wiring problem I'll have most or ALL of the bugs worked out. Can't afford any more problems. Wooooosahhhhhh
as you have found out 'clean" and "well maintained" are 2 differnt things! Sounds alot like your working thru alot of someone elses lack of service/up keep. If you have not pulled the harness out from under the engine yet and done it, thats will be sure to bite ya in the butt as well later, usually sooner then later!

sounds like you need to pull the skid as it has worn out bushings and so forth for the shock to be rubbing the track, the front w arm likely to be cracked or bent.
Don't give up. I'm in the same boat with arctic cat. I have sooo much time and money in that thing, it would make you sick. I separated a rib 4 days ago working on it. The back of my left hand looks like its been through a cheese grater. Everytime I see it it makes me cringe. BUT I am going to fix it, im at to point of no return. Now runs worse then ever. I will get it done. Just need my chair on wheels now. Hurts to bend over. Tomorrow I am going to replace the whole engine wiring harness. I have a $500 skid laying next to it, just upgraded the skis, replaced just about every sensor on it. This is a sled I don't even like. You can do it, may need a spare for now but with all the resources here, you'll end up with a nice reliable sled. Unless you have a cutoff point with $.
Look at my sig, thats how we would ride. I still have that sled and wish Dad was here to see it. That thing has its share of problems but went through the whole thing. I think the reason my srx doesn't break down alot is becayse I don't ride it. Always working on wildcat. Sorry for ranting at your rant, just woke up having nightmares about AC. A good clue was Dealer wanted $999.99 for sled and walked out paying $300.
Turns out my speedo wire came loose from the hood and was rubbing on one of the pipes. Easy fix. One issue down!! Haha
