Repairing 600 VMAX twin cylinders


New member
Jun 13, 2003
Kirkland, WA
Last ride, my wife's 97 600 twin siezed up one cylinder & melted part of piston. I seem to recall that these NikaSil cylinders can be repaired either by resleeving or re-chroming. Before I take them into the dealer for his opinion, I would appreciate any other info on repairs.
I had that done 2 years ago. You can just send out the cylinder and they will send it back repaired, looks like new, and doesn't cost nearly as much. I know of 2 places that do it, but I can't think of the names off hand.

I found about 4 places in the back of a recent Snow Tech magazine. The dealer says they may be ok for a light hone job after I clean the aluminum out of them.

if you can't repair cylinder i have a good used one i'll sell you. i'll even throw in the updated piston, rings and wrist pin that came out of it. $150.00 let me know if interested, ray
