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I can't seem to get the revs down on my 02' 700 SRX . 8600 is what I'm at . I'm Running h/c 40/10 w/ red spring , 6.37 grams in the tip , nothing in the middle and 5 in the heel and 15.0mm rollers . Driven is a Dalton 50/36 wrapped at 60 with a Yamaha green dot spring . 38/23 gears , 9 tooth drivers 1" track 96 studs . I have relieved some material from the movable scheave on the primary where the heel of the weight was contacting hoping it was preventing full shift but no change. The weights do not contact any thing throughout their range of travel . There is about 1/4" of the primary scheave that the belt does not contact ( maybe normal ) . Bushings etc check out good on the secondary. I'm sure it's something obvious that I'm staring at n just not seeing .
add 1 washer to the tip, just be sure to double check the bolt head clears the spider side, sometimes you have to lightly file the bolt face to make sure it clears. the spider is cast so sometimes they have flash in them, just check this with the primary spring removed.
New member
Ok . I have 3 washers on there now which is what Heel Clicker says is max . I guess its safe to assume that's only for clearance reasons and as long as I check clearance things should be good ?
Active member
you have any other helix,s. ? 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
Ya 50/44 n a 52/42
Ok . I have 3 washers on there now which is what Heel Clicker says is max . I guess its safe to assume that's only for clearance reasons and as long as I check clearance things should be good ?
I have run 8 grams in tip before, a guy can use a longer bolt and a thin nut on the other side to add more weight. The main thing is you just need to make sure it clears the spider and you use some loctite on the screw when you get your final tune up set. Just make sure it clears the spider pocket and your good to go, as stated sometimes you need to lightly face the bolt head face to clear it all depends on the spider pocket as they are cast.
also...dont change the helix, you have the right one in there, it will work super.
New member
Awesome thanks
Also remember that the weights have a little side to side play. Make sure to press the weights to the side to check clearance on the spider pocket.
New member
add 1 washer to the tip, just be sure to double check the bolt head clears the spider side, sometimes you have to lightly file the bolt face to make sure it clears. the spider is cast so sometimes they have flash in them, just check this with the primary spring removed.
I got a little side tracked and trail ported the sled , so I've added a variable . After porting , but with the same clutch set up as above the sled would shift out at 8950 . Long story short with 7.76gm in the tip n the secondary wrapped at 40 (3+1) it's revving 8700 . Pulls like cray but still a little high I think . Lighter spring ? Different cam ? The way it pulls all the way through and back shiffs I gotta think the cam is close . Open to suggestions. Thanks
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use the grey primary spring that will lower the rpm, the grey is 230/330 and the red is 230/360, so you may need to remove some of the weight but i would try the spring and work from there, if you ported it depending on specs nothing wrong with 8500-8600rpm , the cdi box does not retard the timing until 8750 .
New member
Awesome thanks . I used Racelogic sport port templates and the instructions said to refer to their website for specs n specifics but it seems their website is no longer there . So I have no recommended hp curve specs to go by but man does it feel alive ! HEEEEEEEERE KITTY KITTY !!!!! Lol
New member
Also the sled has always ran rich since I got the sled so after the porting it was bang on for zero deg f we had this past weekend . Pulled the carbs apart last night and I have .45 pilots and 1@150 &2/3 at 148.8 . Needle is at pos 3 .should it be at 4? I have a set of ( 3) 156.5 to try . Will that be a little fat ? Planning a trip north soon and 30 below isn't unheard of .
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do you have a cold air kit on it or drilled airbox?
New member
Yes I have a cold air kit and the box is drilled but since I recently just changed the hood I haven't yet drilled the hood holes . My hope was that those jets would work after the holes were drilled in the hood
if your going on a trip and its gonna be that cold youll need to jet way up, with airbox drilled and such i would run the 45 pilots, put the needles in the 4th groove down but put both shims on top of the clip this will make your spot like 3.25 from spot 3 (stock is 3rd groove down but with both shims under the clip), so a tad richer in the mid range, then use 157.5 mains.
gas is way cheaper then pistons/cylinders!
gas is way cheaper then pistons/cylinders!
New member
again thanks and I agree a lil fat is cheap insurance