srx speed


New member
Mar 18, 2006
florida ny
got the srx out on the lake pulled like a bear up to about 90 then flattened out only could get 107 on speedo should be better than that what do think
need some more information to help have no idea what you have for a set up, could be your clutching, snow conditions,a ton of possibilitys.
What's your RPM at full throttle? Should be 8400-8500.

How loose is your track ? A loose track kills top end.
What's your RPM at full throttle? Should be 8400-8500.

How loose is your track ? A loose track kills top end.

over revving a little track is good gunna put new clutch springs green at 70 4.5 rivet and 51/45 helix in sled has never had angthing touched
