98 Srx no snap on take off


New member
Jan 26, 2015
I just had my 98 Srx 700 rebuilt and it runs great.. Idles perfect but when I take off it has no snap at all kinda stalls with slight bog.. Once it's going it accelerates nice just taking off is the problem.. I've adjusted the fuel screws on carbs from stock 1 1/8 turns all the way to two full turns out and this hasn't helped.. Carbs are clean, pilots and mains are clean.. Anyone have any other ideas what this could be? Power valves maybe? I'm stuck on what else to do..
I'd go with the power valves or still a booger in pilot jets. Then again, it was 43 here today so it had to be warmer there. Maybe just too warm for your jetting?
Our trails close at 3am sunday and no real snow in sight.
Sounds like clutching problem. Make sure nothing is binding. x2 on worn out clutch bushings. Ever rebuild the clutches? How many miles on them? Springs wear out too some guys install new springs every year.
+1 ^^^

If you verified the carbs are clean, clutching is where to go next. Where does your belt sit in the secondary at idle ?
A quick way to check if it's a lean condition is to blip the choke on and see if it helps the issue or not. If it helps you're lean on the pilot circuit. If it doesn't then check clutching, starting with belt deflection like ssrrxx mentioned above.
