Viper clutch setup


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I saw the guy today with the yamahas. I think I mentioned hes one of those with the wolds fastest srx once. I also saw him last night and he showed me his clutch setup and I have never seen anything like it. This was a Viper, 02 I think.
All I recognized was adjustable weights. The primary had some sort of spring thing that fit between the main bolt and clutch, the rollers looked a tad smaller then mine and the secondary wan all enclosed and he told me to turn it like I was to change a belt. With 1 hand I could easily turn it and push it. The closest thing I have seen to it is an arctic cat diamond drive. He said the setup was $2000.(This was all with a half dead flashlight) So today, that bar was hosting a fisheree and he was there. I brought my camera to take a pic of it and he wouldn't let me. I thought that was weird. He told me speeds in certain distances it does but it was hard to hear with all the sleds and such. He said it was custom made to his specs from somewhere in MN(hi tech or tech performance or something)and its a 3 angle helix roller clutch but not like a regular one. It was anodized red if that helps. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a thing. Also he seemed very paranoid about his belt being worn out. It was just a tiny bit less then flush with the sheaves, thats why he wouldn't ride it.
I don't want it or anything but what was it? I couldn't take a pic of it?
Otherwise in my opinion, his sleds looked like crap. Like he maybe rinsed hood off. Tunnel was all dull, front suspension components all greasy and dirty, ect. I told him I'd clean it up for him and he seemed interested.
I don't even like my arctic cat dirty let alone the srx.
The thing bewteen the main bolt and clutch adjust the engagement of the belt. They also make one for the secondary so you can adjust the belt deflection. Instead of dealing with the 3 little bolts and washers on the back. I have both adjusters for sale if interested. I don't know much about roller secondary's.
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I didn't see any names(flashlight barely was working). I'll see if I can find pics of team secondary. That thing sets belt engagement? Can you post pics? Sounds like a neat idea. I didn't get a chance to really study it because he closed the hood and told me something like it was top secret. That be funny if I came rolling in with a similar setup. I'd tell him I bought it at Goodwill.
Did it look like this


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Here another version this is a paragon hi-tech roller secondary


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I was just on the team website and from what I can remember, it didn't look like that.
I never see anyone on here at this hour.
Were getting closer with the last pic But not exact. I think you could kinda see where the spring goes.
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Is that secondary?

Don't worry we'll figure this secret out lol
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That looks pretty close. I'd love to pull in with that and the stuff for engagement and deflection and casually open hood and let him see it and say something like oh that, I picked that up at goodwill the other day for $3!
If its still for sale later, and can be set up just like mine, I gotta do it.
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That 1 pic is my secondary from wildcat. Never saw one that worn. I think someone forgot to put a bushing in there.
I am on my 3rd one now, I broke the one on it now(3rd one is on its way.)
