yamaha viper 700 triple antifreeze question!


New member
Sep 23, 2014
hello i have a yamaha viper 700 that has the caution light on. i understand that if the machine is low on fuel or low on coolant this light will come on. i can fill my sled up with gas and the light still stays on. just wondering how do i got about putting antifreeze in? i know theres a mark on the coolant bottle for how much to put in but can you fill it to the mark when the engine is warm or do you have to wait until it cools down again. any help is appreciated!
thanks! but i just dont know whats happening with this sled. The caution light and engine light is always on. been like it since i bought it a year ago. but the sled works fine. Just dont have any idea why those lights are on. so i topped it up with coolant, replaced the broken handwarmers because i read that it could trigger the caution light. but that didnt help either! i checked the thermosensor that goes into the head and all wires are still in tact and not broken. what could be causing those lights to come on in the dash i wonder??
When you first start the sled, does the warning light come on along with anything else in the meter window, such as your engine light as well as the temp, fuel, and oil lights? Then after being on for a moment, they go out for a moment and then the warning light comes back on along with the engine light and stays on?

Or does the caution and engine light just come on at startup and stay on? Basically, is there any sequence to the lights at startup, and if so what comes on and goes off, and when, if anything.

Does your fuel gauge work properly, dropping bars as fuel is used, adding bars with fuelups?

You can check all of your electrical connections (that you haven't already checked) related to the lights on the meter and the equipment involved with the trouble codes, but it seems that issues here would provide a flashing light, not continuous.

Hate to say it, but you may want to try to find a known good CDI to swap out and compare with, as well as a meter unit.
