Taking apart my SRX today and found this! I've never seen this before. It looks like the previous owner sealed the reed cages with silicone and somehow it coated the boots???

why would anyone spray it all over the rubber boot...it is obviously peeling off and getting sucked into the engine...
Factory coating, I've seen it on all my SRX intake manifolds. There's been a few threads on it here, you can peel it off if you like, I've read of no one that has reported any engine issues with it coming off during operation, it's thin and flexible and will likely just get blown out the exhaust even before it has much of a chance to melt.
yes factory coating

That's how they originally came
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
x4.....first one I ever seen was peeling pretty bad.....no ill effects that I am aware of.
Active member
x5 :censored: