New member
Discovered yesterday that I have a hole in my right side heat exchanger. Looks like I hit a rock at some point. Just wondering if JB Weld would be a good temporary fix to tie me over until the end of the season? All info is appreciated.
Discovered yesterday that I have a hole in my right side heat exchanger. Looks like I hit a rock at some point. Just wondering if JB Weld would be a good temporary fix to tie me over until the end of the season? All info is appreciated.

Super Moderator
Welding would be the best fix but those aluminum brazing rods work well also. We used some called dura fix or somthing like that. You can just heat it up with a map torch and does a pretty good job.
New member
If you know someone with a tig welder that works good. I have welded them for people before.
New member
My neighbor has a welder but he will be gone for the next month and that would cause me to miss the best part of our snowmobiling season. Are aluminum soldering rods the same as the Dura Fix stuff? Is aluminum soldering a good fix for this?
Active member
get it welded, no issues. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Take it to a fab shop and get it welded. Shouldn't cost you more than 40 or 50 bucks
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Upon welding it, ensure the aluminum is ALSOLUTELY free of any contaminants. Any little speck of sh!t corralates to a pin hole.
flush with hot water and then use brake clean and compressed air to clean the area, preheat it up with map gas before trying to weld it to evaporate the water and make it easier to weld the aluminum, you can weld them pretty easily if clean it will hold with zero issues.
Make sure you pressure test it after its welded to insure no leaks!
they are pretty easy to change and not very pricey.i just tried welding mine with tig it had a hole on the very top extending to a crack between foot board and heat exchanger was impossible to weld I changed it out lots of rivets but not to bad to change.i tried jb weld before does not work it will for awhile but left me sitting on a trail overheated not fun .there are plenty of them for sale here on totallyamaha.