13 apex arms


New member
Jan 11, 2015
hornell, ny
Has anyone had issues with their a arms. I haven't even hit 320 miles and they bent somewhere along the last ride. No real impact on anything that I thought really killed them. Didn't run into anything. Didn't hook a tree. No one ran into me. I think it's warrant related. Looks like a bolt really twisted up but cant really tell if anything is bent til I get it to a yamaha shop. Not my dealer that is too far away. Right side of the sled
Im gonna say you hit something a little harder then you remember, and would bet any mechanic will tell u the same....sorry. Looks like it bent enough to pop the paint on the lower arm too.
Did catch a carbide on anything? Like railroad tracks or ?? I bent the crap out of my lower arm on my Nytro while riding to high on a bermed up corner. Ski pushed through the top of the berm and tagged a tree, gave me a pretty good jolt through the handlebars. Lower a-arm looked like a banana. Ive pounded it through a lot of other rough terain without any issues though.
Sounds liked mine. I definately banged things but nothing to shake me off the sled. Just weird that I thought they could withstand that kind of jolt that didn't hook anything would allow a twist like that. I think a lot will change if that bolt gets replaced.
Doesnt help u but my 06 I did the same thing, didn't know how I did it either. That bolt was bent bad, couldn't even get it out, ended up prying arms apart from the mount enough for a sawsall blade to fit in between them just to get it all apart.
