srx sounds like its running on 2 on idle ,flick choke and it runs on 3 dirty pilots?


Jan 2, 2013
hey guys just wondering if this could be a pilot jet issue , i have read a lot about the screens in the carbs that need to be cleaned but I have no idea what screens any recommended links to the best top to bottom carb cleaning ?
Screens are under the float needle. Small phillips screw. Remove the screw and then you can pull the brass piece out and check screen.
thnx guys i should have looked harder i found mr vipers carb cleaning 101 , I'm pretty sure my dog could clean the carbs after after reading that ! lol
Those pins that hold the floats in are not wanting come out any tips without breaking the carb casing that holds the pins ?
I use a spring loaded punch,set it at weakest very good for removing and re installing them pins.I just removed the pins on carbs for my SRX about 3 weeks back..better then taking a small nail setter and hammer..
I use a spring loaded punch,set it at weakest very good for removing and re installing them pins.I just removed the pins on carbs for my SRX about 3 weeks back..better then taking a small nail setter and hammer..

X2 - If you don't have a push punch, just support the float pin tower closest to your hammer on a bench and lightly tap on the pin. I use needle nose pliers with one tip of the plier on the pin and the other tip on the tower and squeeze.

The push punch works well. Place a rag on the exit end to catch the pin.
I just went thru this with my 01 after cleaning carbs that were clean already it would not stay on 3 cyl .Changed cold plug no difference took it out for a spin and got the crankcase cleared out and it runs fine now.
