New member
hey guys im pulling my hair out here! I just got my engine back together on my srx. Belt had blown at full throttle and engine reved to the moon. never ran right after that. I discovered the cranck had came out of tolerance. I purchased another used lower end within tolerances and basically did a swith over of parts and freshed up the rest. So i got it fired up and for some reason the mag side seems to be cutting in and out and the pipe is cool enough to touch on this side. I have spark although it seems kinda weak, alll 3 cyls are the same 125 compression on all 3. cleaned carbs,ohmed out coils and were fine. I ohmed out spark plug boots amd they were wacky too high . changed them with new ones within tolerance, thought that was the prob but guess not, same probs. Any help guys . I love this sled and thought i knew it well but i cant chase it down. Any help would be appreciated?
Post this in the SRX/Viper forum and you'll get more views and responses. You've done everything I'd know to do.
New member
Post this in the SRX/Viper forum and you'll get more views and responses. You've done everything I'd know to do.
thanks mod-it. Sorry new to this site don't know my way around yet, ill move my post like you suggested. Im racking my brain thinking might be a stator or pick up coil problem, that's what im digging into next, maybe a bad wire down there?
all 3 coils fire at the same time, switch the wires around and see if the problem moves to another cylinder, that will tell you if its electrical/coil related, if it doesnt move you have another issue.