New member
Hello, I have searched for hours with no luck so I figured I would ask here. I have a bad drive shaft bearing , it is under the secondary right next to the speedo sensor, is there a write up anywhere out there as to how I would go about replacing this? It is completely gone and I think I have driven on it like this for 50 miles or so because I noticed the speedo acting crazy and some clunking at low speeds. After doing a lot of research on the site it led me to check it and sure enough it's bad.It is an 02 sxviper. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you

Super Moderator
If you crawl under the tunnel there will be 2 set screws on the collar of the bearing. Lube them up real good with some wd or product of your choice. Then while thats sitting remove the speedo sensor and cover which will expose the bearing. Then loosen those set screws and work bearing off the end of the shaft. If your lucky it will not be stuck on but odds are it will be stuck. I just used a large screwdriver or pry bar ect to start working bearing off from the inside of tunnel. once you get it started it will come right off. Let us know how it goes. If not stuck will only take ya about 1/2 hour to hour to fix.
its pretty simple:
1.) loosen up axle nut and then track adjusters in rear track windows to let the tension off the axle
2.) remove the nuts holding the speed senser and the outer retaining ring off of driveshaft.
3.) from under the sled, inside the tunnel there will be 2 torx headed set screws in the bearings retainer lip, youll need to loosen both of those
4.) take skinny long peice of wood and tap the bearing from inside the tunnel towards the outside, it will take a few smacks if its rusty on the driveshaft.
replace and retighten/align track when done, it helps to put a little bit of anti seize on the axle when you put your new bearing in.
1.) loosen up axle nut and then track adjusters in rear track windows to let the tension off the axle
2.) remove the nuts holding the speed senser and the outer retaining ring off of driveshaft.
3.) from under the sled, inside the tunnel there will be 2 torx headed set screws in the bearings retainer lip, youll need to loosen both of those
4.) take skinny long peice of wood and tap the bearing from inside the tunnel towards the outside, it will take a few smacks if its rusty on the driveshaft.
replace and retighten/align track when done, it helps to put a little bit of anti seize on the axle when you put your new bearing in.
New member
I love this site you guys are really awesome, I just spent 5 times the amount of time researching how to do it than it should actually take me to do (hopefully). To remove the secondary clutch to gain access I just pull the 1 bolt in the center? Thanks a lot!!!!
... To remove the secondary clutch to gain access I just pull the 1 bolt in the center? Thanks a lot!!!!
Yes, just keep track of all the washers on the bolt, and the center spacer. There should also be washers on the backside, keep track of them as well, put everything back in the same location. The clutch should have the same amount of side to side play after you reinstall it as it does before you take it off, assuming the clutches are currently aligned properly.
While you're at it, check the bearing behind the secondary clutch, replace it if bad. If is seems good, pick the metal/rubber seal out carefully and take a closer look at the internals. If the bearing is original and never serviced, the grease is likely hardening up and you may see some rust. If it looks decent, try to clean as much old grease out and repack it in a few places around the bearing. Don't pack it full of grease, they never are when new, it will just squeeze out over time and will create more friction and drag in there where you don't want it.
New member
Thank you, top bearing seems fine, I'm having a hard time removing the inner bearing off the shaft but I will try again tomorrow. Is there a trick to getting the shaft centered once I get the bearing off and new one on? seems impossible to get the shaft off the bearing wall because of the weight of the track

Super Moderator
Once it moves it will come off fine. Never had track/skid weight be à problem when putting new bearing back in. I take these off every season for a clean and repack.
make sure you remove BOTH of the torx set screws inside the tunnel on the bearing collar.... just smack the edge of the collar from inside and it will drive the whole bearing out and you can replace it. if its a stubborn rusted on one i usually will use a tad of heat on it, with some kroil lube,let it sit and try again. As the bearing is already junk so theres no worrys about the seals on it, a angled metal prybar set at an angle and a nice love tap from a 20oz ballpeen hammer on the end of it will get pretty much all of them off, dont go caveman on it and destroy the inner bearing holder beating on it.
if the track is loose youll be able to slip the new one right on without too much trouble.
if the track is loose youll be able to slip the new one right on without too much trouble.
New member
make sure you remove BOTH of the torx set screws inside the tunnel on the bearing collar.... just smack the edge of the collar from inside and it will drive the whole bearing out and you can replace it. if its a stubborn rusted on one i usually will use a tad of heat on it, with some kroil lube,let it sit and try again. As the bearing is already junk so theres no worrys about the seals on it, a angled metal prybar set at an angle and a nice love tap from a 20oz ballpeen hammer on the end of it will get pretty much all of them off, dont go caveman on it and destroy the inner bearing holder beating on it.
if the track is loose youll be able to slip the new one right on without too much trouble.
Thank you, I forgot to loosen the rear axle nut, gonna give the bearing another try this morning
New member
Well no luck, the one torx came out easy and the other will not budge, completely striped now and I've tried pounding every bit I have into it and can't get it to turn, anyone ever have any luck with those bits that claim to pull any striped screw out? I'm going to head to home depot and get the set because I see no other option, nothing is ever easy when I work on this sled it seems
New member
Figured I would update in case you guys were curious, could not get the set screw out so I ended up drilling it for a few hours and I think I'm almost down to the shaft, my buddy is on his way to weld bearing puller arms onto the bearing because I cannot get it off and the puller arms are straightening out and sliding off....we have over a foot of snow and another few inches fell today. This is killing me

I had one so seized that I had to take a dremel to it and slowly cut thru the bearing to get it loose and out..good luck with yours.
Figured I would update in case you guys were curious, could not get the set screw out so I ended up drilling it for a few hours and I think I'm almost down to the shaft, my buddy is on his way to weld bearing puller arms onto the bearing because I cannot get it off and the puller arms are straightening out and sliding off....we have over a foot of snow and another few inches fell today. This is killing me
You may be better off yanking the shaft and taking a die grinder to it, splitting the race - pull the chaincase, etc...
Maybe remove the lower gear so you can push the shaft out the left side tunnel hole to get a die grinder on the bearing. Guessing.
Timewise, you'd be ahead at this point.
Does it need a track? Now's a good time.
Freekin' cold out there.
Grab-it bits work like a charm for me. I use them for work and in my garage. Oddly enough, I actually used the micro Grab-its to remove the same set screws on my speedo bearing last year. Of course, I paired it with a good 3 hour drenching of PB blaster.
Any updates?
I gotta do mine if it ever gets here. I will spray it tomorrow.
I gotta do mine if it ever gets here. I will spray it tomorrow.
New member
Just had this happen to me. I rode it for a little bit with a destroyed bearing and it chewed my shaft pretty good. Take a close look at the shaft and make sure its ok or you may be taking everything apart again soon.