power valves. oil cable


New member
Sep 3, 2005
I couldnt figure out why my srx would only turn 8000rpms Then mr viper said check power valves I got the tester and they measured 5mm spec is 2-3.5mm they now are 2.5mm does that mean my pv werent opening also my oil cable was at 17.9mm they are now 22mm too much oil hopefully it will rev now
still would check the operation of the cdi box, start up sled and turn idle down below 900rpm, the servo will actuate the valves, be sure it opens them,check your clearance again.

the tester does not tell you if the signal from the cdi is good, only that your servo motor works.
I can only adjust the idle down to 1400 and thats with the screw all.the way out and the throttle cable relaxed completely
then the tors switch has come undone, its left handed thread so you need to compress the switch and get it fixed, thats dangerous to have that undone, the throttle can stick open!
I have it disconnected.its a race sled i only run it on 3000' shaved ice and I check the throttle before I start it on every run
no, no, it can come physically undone not the wire bypassed and it will for sure hold the throttle open, if you go out and look at your carbs youll see the throttle cam rest against the tors switch plunger, the spring is undone and thats why you can not turn the idle down, because the tors switch is already holding the cam open. If the switch parts comes loose it can and will jam the cam open, and then youll be in real trouble!
Sorry didnt understand i will do it tomorrow night i work at 6:00am thanks
