Most HP with single pipe?


New member
Sep 1, 2010
buffalo ny
I just removed my SLP triple pipes and got her running great. ( thanks ty) this is due to NY love of tickets. Well I miss the power. Will big bores, porting, reeds, clutch kit, and or billet head help even while keeping the stock can and a single pipe? I think my clutch kit is in need of new springs so I'm starting there.
biggest bang for the buck invested a single pipe viper is the h/c clutch set up.,,bar none!

second biggest bang for the buck is trail porting them.. they run hard when set up right!
OK I'm sold. So... Anyone make a package clutch kit? And who would be a good porter?
Thanks again!
I have always entertained this clutch set up on my Viper but have a couple of questions:
-Will I sacrifice any top end? I don't believe I will but am curious.
-Will I sacrifice any reliability? I like the fact that I have never blown a belt off my sled.
Brother never blew a belt on his viper. It still gets to its top speed but it will take longer to get there over 100 mph.

Have burnt a few belts on the venture but I think that was that damn every 3rd closed track that was on it. Got a ripsaw on it now.
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