I posted in another section a test or a run between our 02 Viper vs a 15 Viper. Now our Viper is set up for our type of riding, Deep snow cusion. The test or run was on a lake with 18" of fresh snow, minimal pack. Ok the sleds are;
02 Viper 700 stock motor stock clutching and gearing, but has 8 tooth drivers Sc3 skid and 136 1.375 track with 105 1.675 studs.
15 Viper, XTX 137 track. Stock stock stock.
The run, 36 mile loop around the lake, again, fresh snow fall. and a mile long run straight stop to 1 mile.
on the loop we ran consistantly about 70 mph, both floating nice and having a good time. Neither having difficulty running these speeds, Oh, we are running with GPS so speeds are very accurate.
The one mile drag. Both sleds take off great equal for about 100 feet, then the ole 2 stroke gained about 3 sled lengths and held that gain until about 75 mph to 80 mph, eventually around 90 the 2 stroke topped out and the 4 stroke pulled ahead to 95 mph top. Yes, the ole 2 stroke did get beat, but only near the one mile mark. This was the same outcomes on whoever ran the machines. Point is, the ole 2 strokes still have it, but they are getting tired. Someday, I will have to switch but what too? New Viper, no. I want to run a Nytro in same type of conditions. Al
02 Viper 700 stock motor stock clutching and gearing, but has 8 tooth drivers Sc3 skid and 136 1.375 track with 105 1.675 studs.
15 Viper, XTX 137 track. Stock stock stock.
The run, 36 mile loop around the lake, again, fresh snow fall. and a mile long run straight stop to 1 mile.
on the loop we ran consistantly about 70 mph, both floating nice and having a good time. Neither having difficulty running these speeds, Oh, we are running with GPS so speeds are very accurate.
The one mile drag. Both sleds take off great equal for about 100 feet, then the ole 2 stroke gained about 3 sled lengths and held that gain until about 75 mph to 80 mph, eventually around 90 the 2 stroke topped out and the 4 stroke pulled ahead to 95 mph top. Yes, the ole 2 stroke did get beat, but only near the one mile mark. This was the same outcomes on whoever ran the machines. Point is, the ole 2 strokes still have it, but they are getting tired. Someday, I will have to switch but what too? New Viper, no. I want to run a Nytro in same type of conditions. Al
OH, we also have a Boss seat, and behind windshield air intake, but that should not make much of a differance. Al
2 stroke tired.....umm no. The 2 stroke viper simply ran out of gear or it would still have been way out front, the 8 tooth drivers slowed it down!
It went from 1.72 ratio to a 1.94 ratio with 8 tooth drivers so at 90mph she was tapped out!
It went from 1.72 ratio to a 1.94 ratio with 8 tooth drivers so at 90mph she was tapped out!
Oh ya. Topped out yes. The 8 tooth drivers give so much better off trail two track performance and gobbs of torque. Sacraficing top end no problem. We rarely ever see those type of speeds anyway. Most trail running is from 20 to 45 anyway. High trail speed for us is around 55 to 60. I was very happy with the performance of the old two stroke, but somewhat dissapointed in the 4 stroke. Al
New member
I would say the 2 stroke did pretty well. You guys got that much snow yesterday. I wish we would have gotten a little more over here in wanatah.
Lake Wawasee has well over 2' of snow on it. This test was well over a week ago. Today is too cold to work outside, so I am just relaxing at the computer. Sunday going back North to our Cabin in Baldwin
New member
Wawasee is a pretty big lake. I bet that's a lot of fun to ride on. Test must have been after the big storm. We were in Wellston when that came through. It was kind of funny to come back home to way more snow than they had up there. Probably a lot better up there now. Speaking of work I probably should go do some.lol
drew, if you sled in Wellston we should meet up, Our cabin in merely 400' from the groomed trail coming out of Baldwin. We ride from Baldwin to Manestee on a regular basis.
New member
That would be cool. I am not sure if we will be able to get up there again this year or not (hard to find a babysitter for a whole weekend). I will definitely keep that in mind for next year. I am trying to get my cousin to go back up one more time this year and leave the wives at home with the kids.

Finally decided to pull the trigger on a ltx with the turbo. Gonna have to sell off some of the fleet to recharge the bank account.
Finally decided to pull the trigger on a ltx with the turbo. Gonna have to sell off some of the fleet to recharge the bank account.
Your gonna have to start a new thread with this one lol. Just so we can all drool over it too.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
My local dealer set up a 15 Viper w/a push turbo in it.

I'll post some pics when I get it. Pick it up Saturday. White and blue ltx se
Finally decided to pull the trigger on a ltx with the turbo. Gonna have to sell off some of the fleet to recharge the bank account.
be interested in 1 of the many 2000 srx you have..... hoarder....lol