I Have a yamaha primary clutch and im not sure what is off of, I found a number on the back side, S-1 82M00, I searched the number but got several results, The most common result was from a 570 exciter, If so I was just wondering is that usable with my VMax SX 700, and if so what advantages or disadvantages would I get???
The answer is simple, don't use it, it seems to be at least from like early 90's, maybe 80's. The disadvantages? Old clutch technology, probably does not fit the taper, availability of tuning parts (and aftermarket parts you can buy today proably won't fit it either), not lube free, probably made for a much lower hp sled (ex570), could crack when used on a high powered sled. Will the V-belt fit that clutch? Just find a newer clucth from 99 or 00 (don't remember which year the tall cap came on sx clutches).