frozen phazer carbs


New member
Oct 27, 2014
its been real cold the last few days and my carbs are froze solid i cant open the throttle by hand on the carb. i put a heater in there and it loosens up but the next day is the same thing. should i oil it up maybe also im sure letting it idle would warm it up but it wont stay at an idle ive been playing around with the choke cables alot and thought i got it figured out few times but apparently not. i set the pilot air screws according to the manual so i know its not that. any info or opinions on any of this would be hugley appreciated.
I would bet you have water in your fuel. You may have to drain the tank and pull your carbs off take them in a heated area and clean them with compressed air and carb cleaner. Check your fuel cap on the back side and see if there are tiny water droplets.
You could try to heat the cable up with an incandecent drop light (use a 100w since they're still legal up there), then turn the bar and dribble/spray some lock-eez or Kroil into the cable at the throttle/high end. Work it in a bit. Works best the warmer the cable.

Unless it's gummed up. Then you'd be best to pull it off, get it warm and spray carb clean through it, then shop air, then the Kroil.

Careful to keep the light away from melting or heating anything you don't want (like a fuel line).
