Pro action sent me for a ride


New member
Mar 16, 2013
NW Indiana
We were out riding last night and I was in the back (thankfully) when all the sudden there was a little mound of something in front of me. Could not avoid it. Hit it dead center of the srx. Sent me flying and I hit the ground at about 40mph or so. When I stopped rolling I got up wondering what happened to the sled and luckily it was still right side up and still rolling. After I saw the sled was ok I started to shake everything to make sure I was ok. Scared the crap out of my wife. She was in front of me and said she hit it also but I couldn't see because of the dust. Her cat soaked it up enough to keep her on but not the pro action. It was more like a launch pad. I have a 136 mono skid I cant wait to get in. It might have soaked it up enough. Don't know how high it sent me but I do know that there was not much snow to cushion me when I hit the ground. Definitely feeling beat up today but all said it could have been a lot worse.
The lake where I ride has those mounds all over. I think ppl put them there where I ride to mark ice fishing holes. I can deal with those, its that closup of speedo video I made that got me wondering. I always make a slow pass where I am going to test and found a propane tank just as white as the snow. Imagine hitting that at however fast I was going. It must have fell out of a sled pulling ice fishing gear.
I would definitely not want to hit a propane I think this was just a mound of frozen dirt in the field. It was dark and there was a lot of snow dust. I do not go wide open anywhere unless I know the area well. There are lots of things you can hit in the fields around me so we have to be careful. I actually hate riding around here because of that but its my only option right now.
I hit a HUUUUUUUUGE pile of cow manure once. It must have been fed Colon Blow. I launched off of that sled like something in Wily E. Coyote & Roadrunner. I could've sworn I heard Elton John singing Rocket man.
I hit a HUUUUUUUUGE pile of cow manure once.
Good possibility that is what I hit. The field was a dairy farmers. I want to go back and see what it was and how far I I am hurting worse today than yesterday for sure. Wish I was 18 again. Probably would have got up in good shape.
Your not alone trust me.... hit a ice ridge (pressure crack) on a lake, not too fast either, knees met my chest, sent me straight up, felt like i was flying for 15 seconds, bounced 3 times while impersonating superman, felt just like getting blindsided in hockey, a week before I felt normal....LOL
Ya made me laugh. Just picturing it. I guess we can laugh now. I ended up w/ a charlie horse.
Its nice to be able to laugh after the fact and then hope there is no next time to have to worry about. Don't want to imagine what would happen going fast. I think I learned a lesson. When there is a lot of snow dust stay back a little more. I like to learn the hard way though. lol
My Friend was riding across Oneida Lake years ago and his friend has his fathers brand new Moto Ski lol and hit a shopping cart that was frozen in the lake. The handle was sticking up and he caught the ski and destroyed the sled in nanoseconds. Wide open he was. He rolled like a tumbleweed but he survived. Father wasn't to impressed lol
time for that mono!
I can't wait to get it in there. Thanks again for the template. I have pretty much everything but the tunnel extension. It might go in this week just to get to try it out this year before the snow melts. Then I will pull it back out and powder coat it and get the shock serviced and all that stuff. It is pretty hard snow right now and we were riding last night and I was having trouble keeping up. Still a little gun shy yet just wondering when I will get bucked off The group I was with was riding a little harder than the normal group I ride with.
You should get it in asap, that way if you want to make any changes etc over the singer you Wii know what you want done! Enjoy, it's a much different sled with a mono
