02 viper pto spark


Nov 7, 2013
Madoc, Ontario, Canada
I was riding my viper tonight up the road. I rode for about ten minutes no problem. I come around the Sharp 90 degree corner and it dropped the pto side cylinder. Not the plugs I shuffled them around still nothing on pto side. Wiggled the connectors it had spark. Put the plugs in went to start and no spark again. I unplugged the one connector and it was green as hell all corroded. I give it a wipe with my fingers all I had. Still nothing
I was riding my viper tonight up the road. I rode for about ten minutes no problem. I come around the Sharp 90 degree corner and it dropped the pto side cylinder. Not the plugs I shuffled them around still nothing on pto side. Wiggled the connectors it had spark. Put the plugs in went to start and no spark again. I unplugged the one connector and it was green as hell all corroded. I give it a wipe with my fingers all I had. Still nothing

What connector did you find corrosion? If you're in a pinch, you can squeeze the female terminal so that it clamps the male terminal to help break through the corrosion. It'll be hard to push together indicating you're biting through to bare metal).
the connector i found was the one of the two single wire connectors. the other thing i noticed after to fact was that my gauge was unplugged.(i had it out earlier today and didnt get it plugged all the way back in. that shouldnt do anything should it? does anybody know of the ohms for checking coils? what are the chances its the CDI with only one coil dropping spark? what steps should i take to check everthing. ive got a big sled trip this weekend coming up and i dont have much time which sucks.
the connector i found was the one of the two single wire connectors. the other thing i noticed after to fact was that my gauge was unplugged.(i had it out earlier today and didnt get it plugged all the way back in. that shouldnt do anything should it? does anybody know of the ohms for checking coils? what are the chances its the CDI with only one coil dropping spark? what steps should i take to check everthing. ive got a big sled trip this weekend coming up and i dont have much time which sucks.

So you're back at home? I got the impression you were stuck on the side of the trail.

I'd suggest going through each barrel connector that shows signs of corrosion/blackened by spraying the female terminal with carb/brakecleen then roll up a 1"x3" piece of 150ish sandpaper and twist it inside to clean the corrosion. spray and clean again as needed. Twist the male terminal in the folded-in sandpaper to clean. Push the two together to check for a tight fit. If good, disconnect and apply dielectric grease or vasoline. If the fit is loose, gently sqeeze the female terminal a bit to oval it until you get a tight fit. You can also use a small piece of foil (and grease) if the female terminal is really wowed out.

The resistance of my SRX coils at 20C -
primary= .38-.46
secondary= 5.8-7.0

A known good coil is a must to have if you suspect one. Especially if someone has been yanking the high tension lead and not grounding it while its running. A resistance check may not show a coil shorting under load/vibration/high heat.

Plug caps should be 5k at 20C

Have you torn into and repaired known rub throughs?
No I haven't. What do I check for rub thru. I was on the road waiting for a fellow sled der sled der to sled der to go get his truck and trailer combo to take me home. It was weird the way it just died. the sled in the last little while when cold starting it sometimes was kicking on 2 cylinders then the third would slowly come up. Might be tied into this. I'm going to take and wrecking yard tomorrow to get some fairings for the viper what else should I get. Coil? Pickup?
No I haven't. What do I check for rub thru. I was on the road waiting for a fellow sled der sled der to sled der to go get his truck and trailer combo to take me home. It was weird the way it just died. the sled in the last little while when cold starting it sometimes was kicking on 2 cylinders then the third would slowly come up. Might be tied into this. I'm going to take and wrecking yard tomorrow to get some fairings for the viper what else should I get. Coil? Pickup?

A coil is good the have on hand but you really need to check for wire harness rub throughs at the CDI/cowl and the under engine harness. You have to look at every inch and all sides of the wrapped wires for signs of chaffing.

Check - http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/98845-99-srx-700-dropping-cylinder/page2
Why would it cause one coil to quit? Don't they fire at the same time?

no, they dont fire the same time on the viper it uses the same 3d ign. system as the srx from 2000-02, your thinking of the 98-99 srx and sxr engines those all fire at same time. So you either have a bad wire connection on coil rack as you said it came back when you played with plugs or a wire thats broke in the middle. I would use a multimeter and go thru the wires on the coil pack checking continuity, and wiggle the wires to see if one has a break inside from your description, or... get another rack from the junkyard and plug them in, any year viper will work or srx from 2000-02 will work.

other thing I would do is unscrew the sparkplug caps and ohm out the caps they need to be at 5000 ohms
When I measure the secondary side of the coils the resistance jumps up and down. It goes from 6.3 to 6.5 on the two cylinders that were running. The one that seems dead just stays at 6.4 weird.....
It's running again on all three. All three coils check out as fine in the ohms department. But I think the small primary circuit wires were rubbed threw and shorting out. Slapped new coil on and it runs great. New plug caps all across the board too.
