oil injectors bad? please help

jdub-viper 700

New member
Feb 10, 2013
upstate new york
IMG_0121.jpgIMG_0122.jpglike the title says i think my injectors are bad but I'm not sure its been kinda cold here like around -10 but thats not unusual everything was fine a couple days ago(last time i rode it) today i tried to start it but the choke was frozen so i put some heat on it and got it unfroze and started it up and realized it wasn't idling right normally it idles at a little under 2k now it idles at like 900 and it doesn't engage at the right rpm normally it engages at 4500 and now it engages at like 5k and there is a lot more smoke coming out of it than normal, its white smoke.
any help would be every appreciated thanks, John
after idling in cold weather when warming up my sled always leaves a oil mark and smokes until it clears out all the oil and gas from warming up. is your choke frozen open? i experienced that last weekend in -35c. once i got it open it didn't close all the way until i pushed on the end of the rod near the clutch. if your oil pump is gone you will be using like a tank of oil to a tank of gas. monitor it and find out.
its never left oil even when really cold out and the smoke is much worse now than ever it wasn't that cold today either, it doesn't have the throttle response like normal either and it idles really low...it kind of sounds like its dead. i think my choke is stuck open but ill check the oil cable and the choke, thanks for the help guys!
