heated grips (not an electrical issue)


Active member
Jan 10, 2013
ontario GTA
is the older style grip (8ED-26240-00) interchangeable with the newer style grips? (8DN-26240-00)
i am wondering because a grip went dead on my 2000 sxr (old style, wire exits grip parallel to grip) and i have one from my 2001 sxr lying around( newer style, wire exits perpendicular to grip) also the old ones are discontinued.... so i may not have a choice.
No they are different. Don't remember #'s but a search will find them easy enough. The new ones ohm out lower then the old ( new produces more heat). I have run new grips on the old ignition systems with no problems. They do put a slightly higher draw in the stator but I've not seen any I'll effects. Bonus is they do get hot! As far as mixing the 2 I'm not sure, not an electrician but I don't see when it would be a problem other then ones hotter then the other.
