piston melt down


Jan 2, 2013
as i was pulling my power valves out i looked into my cylinder with a small pen light to look at rings and piston walls just to see how they look, well my one pistons closest to primary is melted above the top ring on the exhaust side just rounded the top of the piston i have a picture on my i phone i will post when i figure out how to post it , the worst part is last week i cleaned my carbs because it wasn't idling well my pilots were blocked then i went to change my fuel filter and realized it was snapped of at the steal stem coming out of filter so i got a new one and also cleaned my fuel screens in the carbs they were plugged too ,now is that why my one piston melted? (i no my ****ing stupidity lack of maintenance ) anyone else have this happen?????
I just had a guy in town run his SX5r out of fuel. Got towed to the gas station. By a Cat of all things(I kick him out of club). Anyway, after he filled up he had barely any throttle until he got going and got fuel coming from the mains. He rode it that way for abit and scorched the pistons.
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