Custom clutching?

Backwoods M Max

New member
Mar 31, 2011
New England
When you get into custom sled projects is it common to end up with clutching calibration that is outside the book parameters?

i did some more tuning today. I have lightened my 8cr weights down to 47.07g. I did have them loaded with 4.5 in both holes, but used a crappy harbor freight scale when I ground the weights. HF scale said they were 47.8 and I ground them to 47. Had a bad clutch vibration so I pulled them and balanced them with my powder scale. They were .25g apart. I was shooting for 47.1 but over shot. It brought my rpm up a few hundred rpm I'm aroud 8200 now. I should be back at stock, although I'm running a www spring instead of wyw. Does the rate change between w and y make that little difference. I like my 4500 engagement and my up shift is nice right now, just want a few more turns on the top.

I ended up setting my scordary to 80 degree wrap on a rx-1 helix. It back shifts hard and up shifts around 5000 rpm when "cruising". My skid is an ex-ryde and it always stays flat, never transfers and trenches. It constantly has traction when the sled is on the snow.

Am I crazy that I'm clutching to a skid? I want to try 3.1g tip weight for those last few hundred rpm. Gearing is 20/39 and I like the quick response of the overall setup. Should I just throw the factory specs out the window and just keep sticking to the fundamentals of clutching?
