Have a 2000 srx and noticed when riding yesterday that oil light would flash on every one in a while and oil tank is full. Anyone experience this? And should I be worried?
common issue on the 2000 sleds, yamaha had a service bulletin with a new update oil sensor, it fits in the oiltank just pressed in easy to change as long as oil level is lower, i will look up the part number and post it for you.
order this part: 8CR-85720-01-00
order this part: 8CR-85720-01-00
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Thanks. It won't hurt to run it then. Oil tank is full
Thanks. It won't hurt to run it then. Oil tank is full
nope, it will just be a annoying light is all.
New member
I've been running mine flashing at me for the past 3 seasons...and yes it can be annoying! Lol