Adding rear heat exchanger to a 03 viper?


New member
Dec 25, 2013
I have a 03 viper with a 136"x2" track. Most days I have to run with the scratchers down to keep it cool. I have heard the srx cooler adds plenty of cooling but I have not found one locally. I have ran across a few from 04 vipers which I heard were smaller. With the motor being stock would the one out of the newer viper help keep me cool enough on the days I trail ride?
I don't know about the newer viper coolers. But I just wanted to say I was getting the overheating light a lot last year so I ended up putting the srx cooler on and haven't seen it since this year.

Did you check the classifieds section on here? That's where I picked mine up along with the stud guards. There's usually a few on eBay as well.

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the coolers on the 04 viper are the same coolers as used on any year srx . They are a direct replacement for the rear cooling tube that you have on your viper.
The only thing that comes to mind is I see you say you have the sled stretched to 136, is it a factory tunnel extension or a aftermarket extension?
I am pretty sure it was a kit from Hartman. I thought I remembered reading somewhere that there was a difference in size. That will make it easier to pick one up.
reason I asked about tunnel extension is if its a tapered extension then the srx cooler will hang down slightly in the back, it wont hurt anything as long as you dont tail land it off a big
The extent ion does taper. Was there a post on here somewhere on how to install and how to bleed the system afterwards? I remember reading both in the past but a quick search I did not find them on here.
What is a heat exchanger? New to this site and sleds

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A heat exchanger is how your sled keeps cool. Coolant flows through your engines water jackets in the head, cyls and crank case. In some cases the coolant flows through the brake caliper and carbs providing heat for carbs and cooling for brakes. The coolant also flows through the heat exchangers which are mounted in your tunnel and under your footboards. As the snow from your track kicks up and hits the heat exchanger it cools the coolant flowing through it. It then flows back to engine. Your motor has a thermostat that will open and close to keep the motor at operating temp. If the motor is cold it will close the stat. If the engine is hot it will open allowing coolant in from the heat exchangers to cool the motor to put simply. Early Vipers had a cooling issue in low snow conditions so guys add an EXTRA cooler to help with cooling and it solves the issue.
I picked one up from a 04 viper and grabbed a rivit gun to get it done this weekend when I'm up north.
I mounted a rear heat exchanger on my last sled. It had a Hartman extension. After a little checking I chose a smaller one, think it was from SX. The tubes were pointing the wrong way so had it re soldered. Really nice fit and worked fine with pipes.

Looked like this
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Well I got it installed last night and finished up bleeding it this morning. I can't say it fits the way I would like in the tapered tunnel extension but it functions.

When I was out for a ride to make sure everything was right I noticed a bog or flat spot around 8200 rpm when rolling it on. It was fine if i was wot. Power valves were cleaned at the end of the season and cleaned the carbs a few weeks ago when i got it out for the first time. Everywhere else in the rpm range it is running right.
thats why i was asking about your tunnel extension , I know the back of the cooler hanges down a bit.

I would suggest you raise the needles a bit, vipers need it anyways stock and it will richen up the transition from needle to main jet. your needles are in the 3 rd groove down with both shims under the clips stock, you want to put them in the 4th groove down from top of needle but put both shims on top of the metal clip to store them, this will make the needles about a 3.25 posistion( no listing in the yamaha manual for this spec, i made it up) and its slightly richer then the 3.0 setting stock helps with mid range cruising where the timing is advanced alot in a viper.
I pulled the carbs and moved the needle like you said. Cleaned them again while they were apart. Took it for a spin and it cleared up over 8000 but it is happening between 7-7800 now. They were in the 3rd from the top with one washer on top and one below.
