New member
I had a strange chain of events happen and could use some insight . while I was on my way to meet a large group for a trail ride my 02 SRX wouldn't rev past 8k I suspected power valve issue as all else seemed ok . No biggie . Aprox 5 miles later I meet up with the group and we head out . It's a very aggressive group so there was a ton of snow dust . Temps were near -27C (-17F) about 2 miles in my temp light is flashing code 6 at me ( DCS short I believe ) I stop and open the hood all seems good so I carry on . Long story short I now have a broken PV cable and a center cyl piston with the top ring land closest to the exh port missing . Pv cable is not on the problem cyl . Obviously I don't connect the two issues just that the drivability issue from it may have been disguising other problems . The plugs actually all read on the rich side . So far I only have the head off as far as investigating the cause . Cold temps combined with sucking in snow dust ? ???? I am missing the foam from my cold air kit . Also could the det senser set a false code if it was experiencing more detonation than it could adjust the timing for ? Can the sensor be bench tested or like an old Gm just tap on the cyl head and listen for RPM drop ?
Seems obvious to me. Cold air kit at -27 AND missing the foam. Strange it didn't flash long before that. It likely seized from cold air and sucking in snow.
Active member
sucked snow. no doubt. 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
Huh ok . Oddly enough the group I was in was a funeral procession for a buddy of mine that passed on his sled last week he was a serious prankster and blead Artic Cat green . I was the only blue sled in our pack lol maybe it was a sign
if the temp guage was flashing the dcs short code the dcs was not working and therefore did not retard the ign timing.
You guys gotta watch them cold air kits they will bite ya in the balls if its not jetted for temps. When you mess with the airbox you change the whole curve from low speed thru the high speed, snowdust and mid range cruising at really cold temps will for sure burn them down. The powervalve cable being broke will for sure limit the rpm but wont burn it down it just kinda makes like a rev limiter due to the exhaust port not being high enough to let the engine rev higher.
go over your jetting when you get it back together, and see what is causing thedcs code to go off on the temp light, (maybe chaffed wire on cdi box above footwell).
You guys gotta watch them cold air kits they will bite ya in the balls if its not jetted for temps. When you mess with the airbox you change the whole curve from low speed thru the high speed, snowdust and mid range cruising at really cold temps will for sure burn them down. The powervalve cable being broke will for sure limit the rpm but wont burn it down it just kinda makes like a rev limiter due to the exhaust port not being high enough to let the engine rev higher.
go over your jetting when you get it back together, and see what is causing thedcs code to go off on the temp light, (maybe chaffed wire on cdi box above footwell).
New member
Will do n thanks
New member
Your buddy that passed...was he the guy that got hit by the car or the lone rider? Both accidents happened within a day of each other.
New member
He was in a group riding
New member
Sorry to hear...too many deaths in the past week or so. Be safe out there guys!