vintage srx
My brothers 2001 srx when it sits for a period of time gets excessive amount of oil in the bowls.But once its running its fine uses the same amount of oil as my 2002 srx .Could it be the check valve at the pump or the pump itself ? Not sure how to check anybody have any ideas or have had the same issue . Im talking a few weeks of sitting .
I've had the fuel pump,gas lines and bowls fill with oil over a summer storage.I chalked it up to the heat building pressure in the oil tank forcing the oil out through the fuel pump,so now I leave the oil tank cap cracked a bit to relieve the pressure from heat.Your brothers sled could be suffering from a bad check valve but a way to check for sure take the oil line off the fuel pump and put a cup of some kind under it and see how much is in there after a day or so.
vintage srx
Thanks for the reply i will give it a try as soon as i have some time .
check the ventline on the oiltank
Active member
its going to be a bad check valve. that valve has a spring in it and that stops the gravity feeding and allows it to work as a normal check valve. ive been chasing the same problem on an sx for a few years. then one day i was talking to my dealer and they had an srx in that would run for a few seconds then quite. the cause was because the crank case was full of oil from a bad valve.
vintage srx
Changed check valve going to fuel pump seemed to be sticking i could blow threw it both directions .Did Not change the one for the crank i'll have to pull the motor for that one. Vent tube was good thanks for all the input .
vintage srx
Started up my brothers sled to add seafoam to the fuel wow what a difference 3 pulls and perd like a kitten no more oil problems .Thats after sitting for three months.
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