New member
Has anyone ever put a helicoil in to replace threads for cylinder head bolts. The last person who did the motor work fail to torque the bolts and stripped the threadsout of the cylinder. Just want to make sure the cylinder casting is thick enough to be drilled out. Thanks. Also if you know the spec for which helicoil size would work that would be great.
yes, you can helicoil it, let me guess its one of the side bolt holes in the center?? Most always its those as the bolts are longer for those 2 because of the head dowel, the threads are located lower in the hole and people dont pay attention to installing the longer bolts in the left and right center holes. put the shorter bolts in and they pull the threads. they are 8mm
New member
It is both the right and left bolt holes on the throttle side cylinder.
yep, make sure when you put it back together the longer bolts go in the sides left to right in thecenter where dowels are. You mise well check the other 2 cylinder heads while you are there since the coolant is drained, and make sure they are in the right holes, then retorq all of them.
New member
Thank yo
New member
Well pulled all three heads. No dowLs and the orange center gaskets are expanded. Think mabey the center gaskets were in contact with the coolant as werent sitting properly. reason for lower compression as well